Friday 29 July 2011

Mid Year Resolutions (plus one-two months?)

The world of work and law studies

No longer can I cling onto old laureates. Received my law results...and am not really surprised that they were below average as I struggled throughout the year to pull the grades up. But hey a commendation is a commendation....

I shall have to do MUCH better when it comes to the LPC.

And here my indecisive, fear-of-taking-risks-self kicks in...To defer or not to defer.

I don't want to keep abusing bank of Mummy and Daddy especially if I have no chance of getting into the legal sector.

Yet most paralegal jobs ask for the LPC/BPTC...I have found that nepotism can launch you a huge way, even in London. According to one solicitor I was "naive and narrow minded" for thinking nepotism doesn't operate in big Cities all around the world.

Deferring would be sensible as I don't yet know whether a corporate machine or a mid-brow commercial sect will take me on board. I know what modules I would want to do, but they are all mainly "niche" areas.

Anyhow I technically have only two days to decide...

Meanwhile only two days left to bombard law firms with my tc applications of why "I am amazing" and "would be a kick-ass commercial lawyer" and blah and blah. Self prostitution anyone?

Job and moneyyyyyy

Hopefully have a part-time job sorted out. So hooray for that! And thank you to my good friend that sorted that out for me. (See nepotism really does get you everywhere)
Cancelled my overdraft in early July as bank informed me they would be charging me interest as apparently I am no longer "a graduate". I have in fact been a student for the last year but red tape meant I was being sent from department to department in order to confirm this. And was never confirmed. Probably me being too lazy to go into London, get a letter from my college, when there's a branch on my door step!

So money from job will mean travel paid for, my uber expensive waxes, odd haircut, make up, mobile and of course the masses of drab black clothes I wear in an attempt to make myself blur into the background of dull faced commuters.

But job will mean no late Friday nights, or Saturday nights...and no church :(
Sad times. I miss church.

Fashion for a pear shape?

Just read about Ms. Poppy Dinsey and she is such a stunner! And so dedicated and successful at a young age.
Actually sat there oggling at each and every photo of hers...Great figure too. Ms. Dinsey if you are reading this please style me?? I promise to pay you heaps of money as SOON as I become a hot-shot IP and media lawyer. What do you say?

Girls with hour glass figures can literally wear everything...Uber jealous.

Actually I'm more pear at bottom and a little bit banana at top plus extra stone of blubber...probably not the easiest to style.

Anyhow she has inspired me to write on a daily basis.

Not that I believe in star signs but Aries "apparently" are notoriously good at starting things and never finishing them! This is ME all over.
Also true, unfortunately, "they like to supervise and organise more than actually working " and "They are not the tidiest of people and they are impatient with details, except when engaged upon their special subject; then Arians can fiddle around for hours"

Also I know many Geminis ...all v good at hiding their inner selves!

And every good relationship has been with a Sagittarius (all three bfs in fact!)

Nevertheless I started to say "I do not believe in star signs" and would quite like to prove to myself (and perhaps my non-existent readership) that I CAN see something through that does not involve my "academic" career.

Goals...Start simple

1. Write every day for 30 days on this blog. It needn't be lengthy. Two lines a day will do.
2. Exercise for friend's wedding...I have to wear a sari! Eeek - more likely to look like a jewelled whale. Again 30 days.
3. Avoid avoid avoid Daily Mail gossip. I swear a book commits suicide and a thousand brain cells die every day that I read this trash. I like looking at pretty pictures. I am an addict. And it goes against EVERYTHING I believe in.
But pretty pictures will not get me a job. Or a training contract.
Read the BBC/FT/Economist on the regs! Hopefully new job will be a great advantage to me.
4. Clean out my closet!
Need help from friends for this one...Only they can be objective.
5. Once I have money - get hair cut! Hair is feeling so drab and lifeless at the mo.
6. Do something good for the community. Helping the aged has always been my dream but never had a chance to do it.
Also would like to spend Christmas with the homeless :)
Mummy and I will do this, this year (I hope!)
8. Go out once a month, it is healthy!
9. Play my bling bling bouzouki more :P and my forgotten clarinet.

Any advice party peoples?

Facebook and Internet addiction

Deactivated Facebook abut 4 months ago now. I very nearly re-activated it the other day. But then I thought of all the hideous picture I have on there. And how I would spend hours looking at my pretty and successful friends, and feel sorry for myself.
I think self-pity is revolting on others and I think as much when I do it. So have removed myself until I become successful at at least one of two of my goals.
The main two: 1)lose weight and 2) gain a training contract....
Maybe 3) get a bf....will eventually come ....someday.


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